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A religion is a kind of family or social group.

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What kind of people join our site?


Many people in our community tend to find a special area they identify within, but they also touch more than one belief system in their personal walk. A few examples of those systems are listed below, starting with PAGANISM as the most broad and far reaching:



This is a huge and very inclusive
grouping of peoples.

Pagans and paganism were
so named by the Christians
when they came into
various countries.

Paganism is not so much a single group or people, or religion;
but is more of a classification of anyone who is not “Christian/Abrahamic”.

This classification was created by Christians to includes many religious groups who worshiped the gods and goddesses of their home countries.

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One of the many subsets of Pagans, are Witches.

They are a good-vs.-evil kind of religion, that has a
mythically based history and a nature based mentality.

Although many different groups of practitioners
may be called, or call themselves witches;
the green evil witchcraft of Halloween does not really exist.

The mythical “Witch” is a conglomeration of myths, created by Christians to scare Christian followers into staying away from the religions of the local peoples who were carrying on their varying indigenous traditions. These myths created the green, broom-riding, cat-ass-kissing, brew-making, warty scary Halloween Witches we know of today in popular culture.

The Wiccan religion is probably the largest of this witchy group. It is predominantly a European and United States based movement surrounding the religious traditions that the Christian Church had dubbed “Witchcraft”. The movement seems to have started in England in the 1950s. Wicca is a religious idea based on finding the positive aspects of pre-Christian traditions, and the veneration of the powers of nature, or of the better-gods of nature.


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Within Satanism there are two major groups: the Theoretical, and what we will call the Antichrist.
One group is looking for an ideal, and the other is a vehement anti-Establishment based reaction.

The first group is into the intellectual side of who the traditional Satan was as an alternative to the  Abrahamic God, and identifying with that world view.
The second group is a reaction to being overrun by religious zealots of the Christian/Abrahamic variety, and a decision to identify with and attach to their direct enemy-god, the Devil.


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All non-offensive Satanists are welcome on our site.

The Nature Lover/Worshiper

Many people who fall into this category also identify within another category. The most notable within this classification would be the American Indians. For the Nature Lover, the goal is to get in-touch with nature itself. Get as close to our original environment as possible. The Nature Lover wants to at least stand in reverent awe of, if not worship, the powers or even the gods of nature. At the very least, they believe we are a product of, and have much to learn from, nature.

The New Age movement pulls many of its teachings from this outlook. As well as turning to nature to help better ourselves. This might be done through magickal properties within stones, crystals, herbs, or by harnessing the power of environmental aspects. One might get strength from standing at the base of a waterfall, or going into a trance at the edge of a fire.

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Mystics are people chasing either an understanding, or a foreshadowing of future events; or they are trying to unlock and understand the secrets and theories of life. They often have many theories, and a few very interesting patterns. Mystics are not a stable religion base alone, but more of a flavoring to add to a stable religious experience. Be careful of the person who offers mysticism as a stand-alone belief system.

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Cultural Followers

The Cultural aspect of religions is often what attracts
people to those religions in the first place.

A religion is a kind of family or social group.

Groups tend to have their own music and ways of dressing. There are holidays and traditions that come with many religious followings. Then there are cultural ideas about religious groups—that are formed by those outside of the religion. Cultural followers are looking for the flash and color and perhaps cultural understanding of religion, and not so much a serious religion. They may like the history, music, clothing, mysticism, or the reputation that comes with associating with a specific group.

Being involved in a culture for culture’s sake can be a very positive experience,
as long as it is properly communicated to other more religious-based practitioners
in a way that is not seen as disrespectful or disruptive.




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